There are literally hundreds of Chinese martial and healing systems, but one of the most widely acclaimed is the ancient Taoist Kunlun system known as Wild Goose or Dayan. The system takes its name from the Bar Headed Goose which breeds in Central Asia and has a natural range covering Burma, China, India, Pakistan and Russia. It is the world’s highest altitude migrant, making flights over Mt. Everest in the Himalayas and has been seen at altitudes in excess of 33,000 feet. It can cover over 1,000 miles per day by utilizing the high speed winds of the jet stream. They can legitimately be classed as a “super bird” with tremendous strength and aerobic capacity. Their graceful movements and efficient use of energy make them great symbols for both healing and martial arts.
The tradition of the system is that it began with Dao An (birth name Wei), who was born during the Jin Dynasty in 311 C.E. in the Fu Lin Village, Chang Shan County, Hebei Province. Orphaned at an early age, Wei received a Confucian education until his 12th year when he entered a Buddhist temple to live and study. In addition to being a great scholar and translator, Dao An was a keen observer of nature and was said to have developed the movements of the system by watching the movements of the wild geese.
Wild Goose was hidden and passed from person to person within the Taoist tradition until 1980 when it was opened to the public by the 27th generation lineage holder Yang Meijun. Yang Meijun learned the art from her grandfather, the 26th generation lineage holder, Yang De Shan. Yang Meijun’s training began at the age of 13 and remained secret, even from many of her family members, until she was well into her 80s. This was in keeping with her grandfather’s admonition that she could not teach the art until she was at least 70. At the age of 99 Yang Meijun decided it was time to pass on the mantle of leadership and appoint a new lineage holder.New Paragraph
Accordingly in 1998 Yang Meijun appointed her eldest son Chen Chuan Gang as the 28th generation lineage holder. The announcement of the succession was covered in the China Qigong Science Magazine. See the article and translation below.
Chen Chuangang Shows His Presence as the 28th-Generation Successor of Dayan Qigong.
Dayan Qigong is one of the Qigongs approved by six ministries including Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the People's Republic of China. The 27th-generation successor of Dayan Qigong is Mrs. Yang Meijun who is a familiar master among Qigong practitioners. However, Mrs. Yang is too old to teach Qigong by herself at the age of 99. Therefore, she recently announced that Mr. Chen Chuangang, the 28th-generation successor would perform the duty to teach Dayan Qigong.
Mr. Chen Chuangang is a retired division-ranked cadre at 72 years old now. Following Yang Meijun for tens of years, he has mastered the inner mysteries of Dayan Qigong. As the authentic pupil taught by Mrs. Yang, he is completely capable of bearing the responsibility to spread Dayan Qigong and make his specific contribution to people’s physical and psychological health. It was announced by an insider that Mrs. Yang Meijun and Mr. Chen Chuangang, her successor would cooperate to publish a series of videos about Dayan Qigong in late spring and early Summer of 1998. It was planned, shot and published by China Youth Publishing House.
Following Yang Meijun's passing in 2002 at the age of 106, Grand Master Chen Chuan Gang continued as the 28th generation lineage holder of the Dayan system.
The system is very broad, encompassing both healing and martial methods (including weapons). Overall, Wild Goose contains some 72 different forms – the foundations of the system being the 1st and 2nd 64 action forms. The entire system has three major branches, martial, healing and meditation.
The martial branch includes striking, locking and downing applications as well as weapons. The healing aspects of the forms can be profound with anecdotal evidence that it has been effective against a long list of ailments. It has also been the subject of research in China from such organizations as the Chinese Qigong Research Society. All of the branches spring from the foundation created by the first two forms, which are healing qigong routines that establish physical and energetic balance.
It is important to know that this is not a static system, but rather a system that has continued to develop as it has passed from master to master for 1700 years. The result is that today it represents a profound store of knowledge with tremendous potential – particularly for healing.
Our own lineage in the Dayan Arts® Organization (D.A.O.) stems from Sifu Shane Lear. A long time student of the martial arts and energetic healing methods, Sifu Lear holds black belts in multiple martial arts and multiple certifications in massage, acupressure, and acupuncture healing methods. He began studying with Grand Master Chen in 2009 and continued to travel to China on a regular basis, expanding his knowledge of the Wild Goose system until 2019. In June of 2019, Sifu Lear passed the guidance of the Dayan Arts Organization to Dr. Richard S.P. Meagher.